What is Resistor: Definition, Symbol, Formula

What is Resistor: Resistor is an electrical component used to limit or regulate the flow of electrical current or it is used to divide the voltage in an electronic circuit.

Resistance: The ability of a resistor to oppose the electric current is called resistance.

  • It is denoted by R 
  • SI Unit is ohm (Ω


  1. By ohm’s law 

2. For a wire 

Main Characteristics of a Resistor 

  1. Resistance (R): 

2. Power rating (in Watt): 

Classification of Resistors: 

  1. Fixed Resistors 
    • Carbon compound resistors 
    • Wire-wound resistors 
    1. Variable resistors 
      • Variable carbon compound resistors 
      • Variable wire-wound resistors 

        Fixed resistors: Resistors having fixed value of resistance. 

        fixed resistors

        Variable resistors: Resistance of these resistors can be varied as per the requirement. 

        variable resistors
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